Index by title Alberto Rizzuti,VIII 2020“Portare” or “Sustinere”? A verb, a tenor and its cross Giampaolo Mele,VIII 2020“Scribere proposui”: Notes on the “Danza della Morte” in the “Llibre Vermell” Lucia Marchi,VIII 2020Antonfrancesco Doni and the madrigal in Piacenza: the “Dialogo della Musica” revisited Giovanni Cunego,VIII 2020Celestino Eccher and the study of Gregorian chant: a critical reassessment Alberto Delama,VIII 2020Luciano Chailly’s “De profundis di Cefalonia” between civil-ethical commitment, theatricality and graphic experimentalism Jesse Rodin,VIII 2020Performing Josquin in 2021: A New Approach Stefania Roncroffi,VII 2019Two fragments in German Sangallian notation at the Biblioteca Estense in Modena Bibiana Vergine,VII 2019A Glimpse at Twelfth-Century Plainchant in Abruzzo in a Beneventan Bifolium at the Cathedral of San Pelino Rodobaldo Tibaldi,VII 2019Music for the Holy Triduum in Arezzo in the 16th century: the Piae ac devotissimae lamentationes Hieremiae Prophetae by Paolo Aretino (1546) Giovanni Cantone,VII 2019The career of the “most excellent” Bolognese Paolo Cavalieri Stefano Mengozzi,VII 2019Vying for the Monk: competing ideological strands in the 1882 Guidonian celebrations in Arezzo Marco Uvietta,VII 2019Notes for a reappraisal of the role of a cappella choir composition VI 2018,Enrico Correggia«Videmus nunc per speculum, in aenigmate» From sign to sound: reflections on a topsy-turvey world VI 2018,Vladimiro VagnettiKnowledge or emulation? Considerations on the importance of the “unwritten” in the interpretation of early music Walter Marzilli,VI 2018“From Sign to Sound”: From bows to the phrasing of singers in the recordings of the Choir of the Cappella Sistina Lorenzo Donati,VI 2018“Neomadrigalismo italiano”: To study the old to renovate the new [second part]