VII, 2019 Articles Stefania Roncroffi,VII 2019 Two fragments in German Sangallian notation at the Biblioteca Estense in Modena Bibiana Vergine,VII 2019 A Glimpse at Twelfth-Century Plainchant in Abruzzo in a Beneventan Bifolium at the Cathedral of San Pelino Rodobaldo Tibaldi,VII 2019 Music for the Holy Triduum in Arezzo in the 16th century: the Piae ac devotissimae lamentationes Hieremiae Prophetae by Paolo Aretino (1546) Giovanni Cantone,VII 2019 The career of the “most excellent” Bolognese Paolo Cavalieri Stefano Mengozzi,VII 2019 Vying for the Monk: competing ideological strands in the 1882 Guidonian celebrations in Arezzo Marco Uvietta,VII 2019 Notes for a reappraisal of the role of a cappella choir composition Full journal download [PDF]