“Portare” or “Sustinere”? A verb, a tenor and its cross
“Portare” or “Sustinere”? A verb, a tenor and its cross Alberto Rizzuti…
“Scribere proposui”: Notes on the “Danza della Morte” in the “Llibre Vermell”
“Scribere proposui”: Notes on the “Danza della Morte” in the “Llibre Vermell”……
Antonfrancesco Doni and the madrigal in Piacenza: the “Dialogo della Musica” revisited
Antonfrancesco Doni and the madrigal in Piacenza: the “Dialogo della Musica”…
Celestino Eccher and the study of Gregorian chant: a critical reassessment
Celestino Eccher and the study of Gregorian chant: a critical reassessment…
Luciano Chailly’s “De profundis di Cefalonia” between civil-ethical commitment, theatricality and graphic experimentalism
Luciano Chailly’s “De profundis di Cefalonia” between civil-ethical…
Performing Josquin in 2021: A New Approach
Performing Josquin in 2021: A New Approach Jesse Rodin Stanford University.…
Two fragments in German Sangallian notation at the Biblioteca Estense in Modena
Two fragments in German Sangallian notation at the Biblioteca Estense in…
A Glimpse at Twelfth-Century Plainchant in Abruzzo in a Beneventan Bifolium at the Cathedral of San Pelino
A Glimpse at Twelfth-Century Plainchant in Abruzzo in a Beneventan Bifolium at…
Music for the Holy Triduum in Arezzo in the 16th century: the Piae ac devotissimae lamentationes Hieremiae Prophetae by Paolo Aretino (1546)
Music for the Holy Triduum in Arezzo in the 16th century: the Piae ac…
The career of the “most excellent” Bolognese Paolo Cavalieri
The career of the “most excellent” Bolognese Paolo Cavalieri Giovanni……